Turner Sports Cars    

Turner Website Announcement

A message from Russell Filby

As of January 2006 the Turner Sports Car website has changed web address and relocated to a new domain www.turnersportscars.co.uk. Former webmaster Dennis Kawabata who has maintained the site with such dedication and enthusiasm over the last five years has now passed over the running and updating of the website to the Turner registrar Russell Filby.

The original Turner website www.TurnerSportsCars.com was formed in 1999 by Dennis Kawabata , a Turner owner since 1968 Living in Seattle USA. Dennis had been unable to find out much about the car he owned, and So Seeking more information about Turners than was available in the USA and through club newsletters, he placed an ad asking owners to contact him electronically with more information with a view to builduing a website.Responding to the request Dennis and I made contact,and shared a trove of material to assist with the project and within a year the Turner Website was born , boasting a wealth of information including separate sections for technical information, historical material, magazine articles and a photo galleries of Turner cars, as well as a very active message board.

The site has continued to grow over the last five years , with many owners contributing to the site and as a direct result of the website itself, Unknown Turners have been found literally around the globe,in Sri Lanka, South Africa, Australia and of course in the U.K. and USA. The website we all so enjoy today would never have been set up without Dennis Kawabata and therefore I would like to take this opertunity to publicly thank Dennis Kawabata , on behalf of All Turner owners and enthusiasts around the world , including Mr Jack Turner himself who has visited and enjoyed these pages. Thank you for your vision , dedication and contribution to Turner Sports Cars and the Turner website over the last six years.

Russell Filby
FSCC Turner Registrar

Dennis Kawabata founder of the Turner website (USA) with his car , 65/646

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